Latest self-training regime

Here is my latest karate-do training regime. I hope it finds you happy, healthy, and training hard. Especially those, enduring the cold, in the Southern Hemisphere!!! Best wishes from boiling Nippon. Osu, André Bertel       


(A)     Stationary kihon

1.      Chudan choku zuki (hachiji dachi)

2.      Chudan gyaku zuki

3.      Chudan mae-geri

4.      Chudan yoko keage (heisoku dachi)

5.      Mae geri kara yoko kekomi soshite ushiro geri

Hidari mawashi-geri in ido-kihon practice. `Axing' with the josokutei utilising the `roll over of the hips': a traditional `basic'.
(B)      Ido kihon: Kogeki (Tsukiwaza to keriwaza)

6.      Chudan jun zuki

7.      Sanbon ren zuki

8.      Chudan mae geri

9.      Chudan yoko keage (kiba dachi)

10.  Chudan yoko kekomi (kiba dachi)

11.  Chudan mawashi geri

12.  Chudan ushiro geri

13.  Yoko keage ashi o kaete yoko kekomi (kiba dachi)

(C) Ido kihon: Hangeki (Ukewaza to hangekiwaza)

14.  Jodan age uke kara chudan gyaku zuki

15.  Chudan soto uke kara chudan gyaku zuki

16.  Chudan soto  uke kara yoko enpi (kiba dachi)

17.  Chudan uchi uke kara kizami zuki soshite chudan gyaku zuki

18.  Gedan barai kara chudan gyaku zuki

19.  Chudan shuto uke (kokutsu dachi) kara nukite

20.  Chudan shuto uke (kokutsu dachi) kara kizami mae geri soshite nukite

 ·        Repetitions: Stationary kihon – “40+ of each”; and Idokihon – “20+” (not including a 10 rep warm-up set).


i. Kihon Gohon Kumite (Jodan, Chudan and Mae geri).

ii. Kihon Ippon Kumite (Jodan, Chudan, Mae geri, Yoko kekomi and Mawashi geri).

iii. Jiyu Ippon Kumite (Jodan, Chudan, Mae geri, Yoko kekomi and Mawashi geri).

·        Note: All defences and counters `the most foundational’: i.e. kihon-ukewaza followed by gyaku-zuki). Focus on kakato chushin in attacks, and kime in general. Repetitions: Five sets of each form of kumite including one `warm-up set’.


Main focus: Shitei-gata (Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan, Heian Godan and Tekki Shodan).

Secondary focus: Sentei-gata (Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Enpi and Jion).

General—interrelated focus: Tokui-gata (Gojushiho Dai).

·        Daily breakdown of kata training based on my typical ‘seven day routine’ with focus on one or two different kata per practice session. Repetitions: If one kata, approximately 20 reps; and if two kata, around 10 repetitions of each (depending on daily condition).
Hidari yoko-keage doji ni hidari uraken yokomawashi uchi: Movement six of Heian Yondan Kata.

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