Updated training regime: a return to the sentei-gata

Warming up: my private dynamic stretching routine.
At present I am reviewing the sentei-gata: Bassai Dai, Kanku-Dai, Enpi and Jion. Needless to say, this is a big step from the five Heian and Tekki Shodan, however, I am now tackling `the big four’ in light of them. In addition to these kata I am working on Gohon kumite (Five step sparring); Kihon ippon kumite (Fundamental one-step sparring); and once again going through the JKA syllabus kihon. In my own training this is currently focused on the 9th, 8th and 7th Kyu exams.

Balancing this, at the Kumamoto Chuo Dojo one of my seniors (Mr. Katayama who is in his 70s) is going for his JKA Sandan soon; consequently, kihon practice with Nakamura Shihan has naturally been focused on the Sandan curriculum.  For those of you who don’t know this includes: (1) Kizami-zuki+ sanbon ren-zuki; (2) Jodan age-uke + same arm chudan soto-uke + gyaku-zuki; (3) Chudan uchi-uke in kokutsu-dachi + kizami-zuki + gyaku-zuki; (4) Shuto-uke + kizami mae-geri + nukite; (5) Stepping back with jodan age-uke + advancing with mawashi-geri + uraken yoko-uchi + chudan jun-zuki; (6) Mae-geri + yoko-kekomi + mawashi-geri + gyaku-zuki; and (7) Mae-geri + yoko-kekomi + ushiro-geri kicking frontward, sideward and rearward: before returning the kicking foot to the floor (with both right and left legs). Perhaps a little off topic, but it really impresses me how we can find several of these renzokuwaza (combination techniques) in the 1960s JKA textbook, `Dynamic Karate’. Other groups do this as well, but the JKA have some very special points which pertain to the origins of these waza.
Kanku-dai kata.

That being said, it is very interesting how everything comes back to the core fundamentals—the core foundational principles, irrespective of complex renzokuwaza, kata, kumite, self-defence or impact work. When this is a physical reality—all aspects of training unite—and shingitai can be optimally worked towards. Contrasting my previous months kata training, of the six shitei-gata, with the more advanced sentei-gata; furthermore, my current `basic’ kihon work (in my self-training) with the `advanced training’ (under Nakamura Shihan and Akiyoshi Sensei); and the aforementioned point can be vividly seen.
Presently I'm focusing on deai in jiyu-kumite as depicted here in Germany.
It is from this reference point that the lines between basic and advanced become blurred and often undertake a sort of ‘polar reverse’ if you will. In my case, this has constantly occurred over the last three decades in karate-do and will certainly continue to do so. Such learnings are what make karate so challenging and, at the same time, so enjoyable. Osu, André.

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