Updated training regime for Tsuyu


A daily and very simple mix of Sonoba-Kihon followed by Ido-Kihon. In sum, the core kihon “with a big of a twist”… My reps at present a quite low ranging between 30-40 including a warm up of each technique 10 times slowly. The overarching theme is `effective high-quality` execution.


At present I am practicing three different kata per session, the first for my base training, the second for my personal advancement and the third for `technical variation`. I execute each kata at least four times each.

(1)  Each day one of the SHITEI-GATA: either Heian Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan or Tekki Shodan.

(2)  Nijushiho

(3)  A random kata: from standard Shotokan-Ryu or a Koten-gata. 


(a)   Kihon Ippon Kumite

(b)  Jiyu Ippon Kumite

(c)   Uchikomi

Kihon Ippon Kumite and Jiyu Ippon Kumite once slowly then twice a regular speed. Attack with, and defense and counters against: (1) JODAN—jodan oi-zuki; (2) CHUDAN—chudan oi-zuki; (3) MAE-GERI—chudan mae-geri keage; (4) YOKO-KEKOMI—chudan yoko-geri kekomi; (5) CHUDAN/JODAN MAWASHI-GERI—either chudan mawashi-geri or jodan mawashi-geri (please announce); and (6) USHIRO-GERI—chudan ushiro-geri kekomi. Just to confirm, yes I am also practicing mawashi-geri and ushiro-geri in Kihon Ippon Kumite, which is not in the syllabus.

Uchikomi: Firstly, standard practice, Kizami-zuki, Chudan gyaku-zuki, Jodan gyaku-zuki, Jodan oi-zuki, various renzokuwaza with tsuki, chudan mae-geri, chudan mawashi-geri, jodan mawashi-geri, legs followed by hands; and finally, creative/spontaneous renzokuwaza.

Taken as a whole, this current training is reflective of the Summer arriving here in Japan. With the rainy season starting, the humidity is once again rising alongside the temprature, making warm ups and stretching easier, and training harder. As the saying goes, “…we must take the good with the challenges”. I personally believe that the good things are bonuses and the challenges are where the real gains can be made. What I am trying to say is that everything can be looked at in a positive light. I wish you the very best from Oita City, Japan. – André

Now in my 40s, with huge support from masters here in Japan, I will focus on Budo Karate without all of nonsensical politics; that is, our objective is to make truly great karateka and karate instructors here in Japan and around the world.
© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2017).

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