七月十七日 (月): Training in 津久見市 (Tsukumi City) on July 17th, 2017. |
Today is my birthday. So, I thought I'd quickly answer many requests to backlog some videos on my Youtube Channel. Firstly, before I do that, I first have to offer huge thanks to all of my family, also my friends, karate senpai (seniors) and students across Japan and, indeed, around the world.
I have so much appreciation to you all. ありがとうございます.
By the way, to further promote Oita-Ken, here is link to Tsukumi's official webpage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukumi,_%C5%8Cita
On to the backlog of videos... For much more, visit my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/andrebertel.
© Andre Bertel. Oita-City, Japan (2017).