On the 7th and 8th of October, 2017, I taught my second International Karate Seminar in Krefeld, Germany. This year I was assisted by Morooka Takafumi San, which was great. The core themes, of all eight hours of Budo Karate practice, were: (1) Ground power; (2) Snap; and (3) Harmoniously combining both of these to optimize martial arts effectiveness.
For those who practiced the points covered at this seminar, they will greatly improve their Shotokan skills; and, in addition to this, will be well prepared ‘for bigger things to come next year': (somewhere in Europe, yet to be decided).
Special thanks to ‘Karate Dojo Nakayama Krefeld e.V.’ (http://www.karate-krefeld.de) especially the organizers Alexander Raitz von Frentz and Melanie Teeuwen. Also wonderful hosts, Frank Kohler and his lovely family. Furthermore, to Krefeld Chief Instructor, Erwin Querl Sensei.