Here is my current daily self-training regime, which I have used over the last month and a half. As followers of this blog around the world know, this training, which I undertake each day, is reflective of the daily socho-geiko (morning training) of my late teacher, Asai Tetsuhiko Shuseki-Shihan.
Finishing training at Gokoku Jinja, Oita. |
基本 (Kihon): Currently I am working three techniques: firstly, oi-zuki; secondly, gyaku-zuki; and thirdly, mae-geri keage. However, I’m training all three with the following variations of karada no buki (weapons of the body): seiken, nakadaka ippon-ken, hiraken and shihon-nukite for both punches; and koshi/josokutei and tsumasaki for mae-geri. Taken as a whole, the aim is optimal form and trajectories, explosiveness, maai, maximum impact power and appropriate targeting; in particular, 急所 (kyusho). I would like to add here that these points are nothing secret; rather, they are merely the weak points of the body (derived from the meridian points of traditional Chinese medicine). Enough on that topic today: as nothing beats a poke in the eyes and kick to the testicles.
型 (Kata): My kata training is currently quite broad to wrap up 2017. I’m practising the following: (1) Taikyoku Shodan as a kihongata specifically for shomen and hanmi in zenkutsu-dachi, kakato-chushin, and the forward channelling of power; (2) Tekki Shodan for jiyu-kumite/self-defense, in particular, utilizing and optimizing ground power with lateral movement; (3) Enpi for the aforementioned points in Taikyoku and Tekki: but with a great focus on chikara no kyojaku; (4) Nijushiho for fine tuning―especially in regards to transitions; and (5) a Koten-gata, which varies every few days, based on my condition and any aspects I decide to further address; for example, yesterday I practised Kakuyoku Sandan to further work on my use of 重力 (juryoku/gravity) in techniques.
Kotengata: Kibaken, which I originally learned from notes (kindly provided by Jon Keeling Sensei of Northern California). |
組手 (Kumite): My kumite training at present is focused on the bujutsu karate applications for self-defence. The techniques and principles I’m working on are directly related to my current kata practise. In sum, this includes aspects which I have never taught other karateka before. I will begin disseminating this deeper well of knowledge in Europe next year.
Soon I will change this routine as it has recently passed its peak. This process and analysis is how I have continued to grow especially in the last two decades. One of my motto's is "never seek mediocrity". This includes technique, application and dry humour. I will end on this note. Train hard and smart. Osu!!
© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2017).