Joshua Block from Germany visits

Over the weekend Joshua Block, from Germany, came for training here in Oita City. Of course, in addition to karate practice, it was lovely to catch up with him.

A.    Kihon: The main thing we worked on was using ones ‘kinetic chain’ correctly for optimal ‘snap’—in combination with applying the maximum amount of bodyweight: when executing various karate techniques.
B.     Kumite: The aforementioned aspects were then practiced in various forms of kumite with the most emphasis being on Kihon Ippon Kumite and Jiyu Ippon Kumite. 

C.     Kata: Again, to further in-still the correct use of ones kinetic chain and weight transfer into the target, the kata Seiryu was practiced; and its oyo (applications).  This essentially summarized all the previous technical points covered over the weekend, but from a more advantaged angle; thus, providing a window for deeper physical understanding. The training of Seiryu was the technical high point of the weekend.


In sum, it really was a great weekend of training and nice times. It was especially heartening to see him lift his technical skills, in several key domains. All the very best Joshua for your remaining time here in Japan. It was great to have you here! Osu, André

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2017).

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